Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Greens, Take 2!

What a gorgeous day to be at the Knoxville Botanical Gardens! We had the privilege of photographing our dear friends for the second year in a row. Little Henry was inside his mother's womb during last year's photo shoot. Now he's an adorable, happy boy tagging along with his big brother, Joshua.

This is a photographer's dream location. With great architecture and old, faded doorways - it's a well-kept secret! Get ready for many more photos with these backgrounds to come!

Thank you, Green family, for your creative ideas and willing spirit. We adore you.

Brent and Lindsay

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Owen, a boy on a mission...

What a fun day today with Owen!! Man, he's a mover. Mindy warned us that he was quick, but boy, was he! We got about a million shots of his back side. Not quite the angle we were hoping for. :) But we got some really sweet ones, too. Every boy's gotta slow down sometime. We played peek-a-boo between trees, we tried to catch our shadows, and we played on the swing set. I love this age. Everything is so new and fresh, as you will see in his face. And Ellie the Elephant made it into the spotlight a few times herself! Thanks, Owen, for being just the little guy God created you to be one year ago this month. You are a gift. Happy Birthday!

Brent, Lindsay and Elijah

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Birthday Boy

What a beautiful day we had today to celebrate Easter and Isaac's birthday! Walker Springs Park had many attractions; from a rustic bridge and flowing streams to a soft grassy field. Isaac turned a whopping three last week, and he is every bit as interested and active as you would expect. :) In between all the running, we got some fun shots, some sweet shots, and some just plain goofy ones. Happy Birthday, Isaac!

A new addition will be arriving for the Hunter family in you may spy a gorgeous baby belly in many of the photos. Isaac can't wait to play with his little brother or sister. And we can't wait to meet him or her either. It will be a surprise!

May we most importantly remember the price our Savior paid for us to give us freedom. And His resurrection gives us His life In Us. How gracious is our God.

Enjoy your Easter weekend, and may the richness and glories of Christ Jesus fill your hearts today.

Brent, Lindsay and Elijah

Monday, March 22, 2010

Smile for Water 2010

Today is World Water Day. You might think "they have a day for everything, don't they?" That is what I thought at first glance after reading they had set aside a day as "World Water Day"... until I began to read some startling statistics about water. I read that 97% of the world's water is salty, 2% is in the polar ice caps, leaving only 1% to supply human needs. One billion people here on the earth DO NOT have access to clean water. That is one person out of six! An overwhelming majority of diseases and sicknesses could be prevented by simply having clean water to drink.

Here in America, 5 gallons of tap water costs us only 1 penny. A leaky faucet can waste up to 3000 gallons of water in a year!
We have decided to be a part of the solution to provide clean water for those in need. For every $100 you spend with us in 2010 here at All Things New Photography, we are going to give $10 to Blood Water Mission. Blood Water Mission is an organization that wants to empower communities in Africa to provide solutions to access clean water through the creation of wells and bio sand water filters. Here is a link to the organization's website:

So give us a call and set up a time for you and your loved ones to smile for the camera to provide clean water for those in need!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Sweet Snow Bear

Our dear neighbor, Miss Eva, gave Elijah this adorable snow suit when he was very small. And now he fits in it! So since we have 27 more weeks of winter, I guess we'll get to use a few more times. Isn't he the cutest?!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Oh, How I Long For Spring...

Wow. It feels like a long and busy winter. Busy with those kinds of things you wish you didn't have to do. Like taking care of a sick baby, running to the store for the fifth time because you can't remember why you were there the last time, and trying to stay warm.

This season was also filled with wonderful memories. It was our first Christmas with Elijah. Wow, how that adds so much meaning to God sending His Son to suffer on my behalf! We had a wonderful time with family and friends. We even got to capture some photos of our own! :)

Now we're ready for spring. Some flowers to bloom. The sun to stay a while longer. Our garden to grow. Oh, what a breath of life spring will bring!

We wish you many blessings this Valentine's Weekend! Let those you love know why you love them. And if you'd like for someone to capture that moment for you, give us a call!


Brent, Lindsay and Elijah

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Fun Times

We had a fun-filled afternoon with the Lown Family, including their dog, Ella. She was a hit in the photos! She loved looking at the camera for us and she was super well-behaved. It was a gorgeous afternoon. The kids were great sports. We asked a lot of them to stand and smile for us while all the other kinds were swinging, sliding and playing in the sand box. :) They were troopers. In the end, we got some great shots of the family together, the kids together, and Ella. What a blast. Then they loaded up the van and headed to everyone's favorite for dinner: Chick Fil A!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Baby Annie in Full Bloom

Chad and Carrie are expecting their first baby - it's a girl! We were invited to capture her blooming belly this past weekend. Since it looked like it was going to rain, we went inside to Cherokee Mills, a beautifully renovated professional complex with glistening stairways and natural lighting. It was great watching the two new parents beam and glow as we shot away. They will make wonderful partners in this adventure they're about to embark on! And Baby Annie will be so blessed.

This is just a preview of what is to come.
Check back soon for more images of this blooming family.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Sweet Baby James

This weekend, we had the opportunity to capture some images of Leah and her 4 month old baby, James. Leah hardly ever gets to be in photos with James because she's always behind the camera. So this was really sweet. Her husband, John, is serving a tour of duty with the Marine Corps in Iraq. We were honored to be asked to capture some moments of her and James so she can send them on to her husband.

We were accompanied by yet another gorgeous fall afternoon. Leah dressed James up in his Christmas reigndeer outfit. (She wanted to get some pictures of him in it because he is going to out grow it before Christmas!) James was a good sport and let us stick cameras in his face for nearly an hour! He gurgled and blew spit bubbles all over his precious outfit. It was a constant marathon of running to wipe his mouth while he laughed at us and still trying to capture the smile. He was such a trooper! We were able to get some sweet images that the Swaggerty Family will be able to treasure for a lifetime! Thanks to Leah and James for a fun photo session and thanks to John for serving our country! We are praying for you and for your safe return.

We will have more images of this shoot soon! So check out our website for more images to come.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Farmer Family Frenzy!

Ben, Jenny and 15-month old Abby met us at World's Fair Park today for their family portraits. It was a beautiful sunny day with near perfect weather. I love Tennessee fall days! Abby brought along her elephant, baby and sippy cup. It was long, though, before she was hungry. So we stopped at a vending machine and got her a snack - Cheetos!! A child's favorite treat...and a photographer's challenge. :) We laughed as she fed Cheetos to her baby and wiped her orange fingers on mommy and daddy's clean outfit. She was such a trooper as we trotted her around the park, along the railroad tracks, and the swingset. What a blessing she is! You can tell by watching her parents faces as she plays that she is the light of their lives. We enjoyed having the chance to capture some of these moments. Thanks to the Farmer family for the fun time!

Check out our website at for more images....and don't forget - if you book a portrait session before November 30th, it's only $50! Don't miss out!